Important to know

Important to know

Conditions and our method ...

Did you know that already?
So with us more quality of living for a real price, but we do ask hard guarantees about finances and good behavior!
  1. For our part, we do everything we can to really make what we promise, as you can read on this website ..., with the advantages and (price) guarantees for you !!
    We are already doing this in this way for about 28 years now, which results in a now very good and trusted name with various (government) agencies and of course (ex-) residents ...
  2. In practice, it appears that the tenant who wants to live comfortably, quietly, safely, qualitatively well and at a good price can appreciate this design very well and the period that she or he stays here experiences as a very pleasant time with a real feeling of being at home in both the hotel-like ambiance, the atmosphere and how things are set up and intended here ... which manifests itself in the pleasant relaxed atmosphere and in the extras that we again invest in order to optimally meet the living requirements of each, where possible to be able to meet.
    Recently we have renovated our roof garden including new patio furniture!
  3. However, in order to be able to maintain this set-up (unfortunately), we learn the reality that we have to tighten our admission standards.
    1. Valid identification
    2. Completely completed questionnaire sent to you with interest shown
    1. Sufficient demonstrable income and / or written guarantee from, for example, parents, ie hard securities / guarantees about;
      1. finances
      2. good behaviour !
    2. Copy of employer statement payslip
    3. Not previous rent arrears
    4. Address and declaration of previous letter of good (payment) behaviour
    5. Written permission to check this information
    6. We are as clear as possible in advance regarding your and our rights and obligations
    7. We carry out a correct, but well strict debt collection policy!
    8. The rooms are intended for occupancy by max. 1 person!
    9. We ask for 2 months deposit
    10. Usually a minimum contract rental period of 8 months!
So please pay attention! Without these demonstrable guarantees, therefore, have reacting no sense !!
We therefore like honesty and openness and therefore fair play.

"We meet all legal norms!"


In order to prevent disappointments and / or misunderstandings, we want to be as clear as possible about possible options beforehand!
  1. As soon as we receive an enrollment via e-mail, we will answer you with a questionnaire that you will complete completely.
    Tip: Look in your spam box now and again!
  2. Your data will of course be treated confidentially!
  3. Please read in advance the conditions with which you must be able to agree!
  4. There may be more candidates!
  5. Given that, as you have been able to read, we should be more selective with the permission to be able to 'guarantee' a good, quiet, pleasant and safe living environment, we finally see who is best at the time in the desired 'tenant profile'!
  6. We strive for a quiet, pleasant and safe place to live and for that purpose to a mixed tenant base and a balanced age average of about 26 to about 60 years, people who appreciate this design and it is definitely not a 'student house'.
  7. On the website you can always check for yourself whether the room in question has been rented or not (since we can not always report everyone in practice!). As soon as the room in question is rented out again, this will be adapted on the website.
    Respond room
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